Additional COVID-19 Resources
Prevention & Wellness Posters
COVID-19 Summer Tips (English | Español)
Tips to stay cool while keeping your face covered.
Six Steps of Handwashing
Follow these six steps for proper handwashing.
Spread the Word Not a Virus
Prevent the spread by washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Symptoms of Coronavirus (English | Español)
Recognize and pay attention to the symptoms of the virus and know when to seek medical attention.
Tips to Prevent Touching Your Face (English | Español)
Not touching your face is harder than it sounds. Follow the helpful hints to avoid touching your face.
Tips to Stay Well (English | Español)
Essential everyday tips to implement staying healthy and well.
Hand Washing Tips
Studies have shown that it is not the water temperature, but the use of soap, water, and especially the time you take rubbing the hands (for 20 seconds) that really gets your hands clean. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends individuals avoid using hot water to wash their hands because repeated exposure to hot water may increase the risk of dermatitis.
Detailed information on how to properly wash your hands can be found at:
For additional information behind the science of CDC’s recommendations: